MailSaver[raw] MailSaver automates the process of saving a selection of Apple Mail messages to custom-named files.

“I have numerous client e-mails in Apple Mail that I need to save before I archive the client’s data, but Mail does not let me save a batch of messages individually with customized filenames. How can I do that?”

“I want to save e-mails with the same filename format every time I save a message. How can I do that automatically?”


Sit back and watch MailSaver use AppleScript to save all your Mail messages with filenames of your choosing automatically – for only $4.99!

MailSaver Secure Ordering

Save Mail messages to one of five file types (PDF, RTF, RTFD, TXT, or EML) with filenames formatted by you using each message’s properties. Use common date formatting to fine-tune Date properties. Save attachments in a folder named the same as the e-mail message file. And, track processing with detailed logs. Save files, attachments, and logs in folders you choose.


  • Five output file types.  Use Mail to save files to any of five file types: Portable Document Format (PDF), Rich Text Format (RTF), Rich Text Format with Embedded Attachments (RTFD), Plain Text (TXT), or, Raw Source E-mail (EML).
  • Create unique message filenames from each message’s properties. MailSaver insures file and folder name uniqueness while including any of the following e-mail message properties:
    id all headers
    mailbox content
    date received date sent
    deleted status flagged status
    flag index junk mail status
    read status message id
    source reply to
    message size sender
    subject was forwarded
    was redirected was replied to
    recipients to recipients
    cc recipients bcc recipients
    current date (your computer’s current date)
    extension (the saved file type extension)
  • User options.
    Custom filename format string.
    User-defined format property delimiter (the unique text that separates message properties in the filename format string).
    Save attachments to a folder with the same name as the message file, and, to a user defined or default folder.
    Write processing progress, notes, and errors to a user defined or default log file.
    Append or overwrite log files.
    Save output files, attachments, and log file in the same or separate folders.
  • Progress logs. Record detailed information about file and attachments output, including:
    Size, id, date received, specified sort field and value, and subject of each e-mail message.
    Size, length of filename, and POSIX name of output file.
    Size, count, and complete POSIX path of folder of saved attachments.
    Size, mime type, id, download status, and name of each saved attachment.
    Count of processed and unprocessed e-mail messages.
    Log name defaults to name of its folder — where the output files are written.
    Sort messages according to Mail’s front message viewer’s sort column and sort order for easier reading in the log file.
  • Unlimited date formatting. Format dates using PHP-like date formatting syntax.
  • Saved preferences. Filename format and user options are preserved between MailSaver uses.
  • MailSaver does not alter or delete Mail messages.


Download the MailSaver.dmg disk image installer. Double-click to open the disk image and drag the MailSaver icon to the Application folder. You may also make available in Mail’s menu bar by placing an alias to it in the Mail Scripts folder (in “/Library/Scripts/Mail Scripts” on your startup drive).

How to Use

  • Select the Apple Mail messages you want MailSaver to process.
  • Start the MailSaver application:
    1. Choose the output file type from the list of output options.
    2. Confirm the filename format or change processing options.
    3. Choose the folder location of the output files, attachments and log.
  • Let MailSaver do the work! After processing, the selected messages will be re-selected in the Mail message viewer and a dialog appears with processing results.

How to Format Filenames

Include message properties in the format string by writing the property name as the first entry between two delimiters. Place property formatting commands immediately adjacent and to the right of the property name. Examples (the delimiter here is the pipe character “|”):

Format String File Name (without type extension)
|DATE RECEIVEDYmd-His| |SENDER| |SUBJECT| 20160214-095236 Mike Jones <> My financial statements
|DATE SENTymd-His| |ALL HEADERSDelivered-To: | Subject: |SUBJECT| 160214-095236 Jim Baker <jbaker@mycompany> Subject_ My financial statements
|DATE SENTymd-Hi A| TO |recipients| FROM |sender| 160214-0952 AM TO Jim Baker <> FROM Mike Jones <>
|DATE SENTymd-Hi A| TO |recipients1{a}| FROM |sender{a}| 160214-0952 AM TO FROM
|DATE RECEIVEDYmd-His| |WAS REPLIED TO{Replied,NOReply}| |SENDER| |SUBJECT| 20160214-095236 Replied Mike Jones <> My financial statements

Complete instructions are in the MailSaver Readme PDF.

MailSaver-Auto (included) saves files using previous user options.

View walk-through of MailSaver at work!

The filename possibilities are limited by your imagination!

MailSaver Secure Ordering

Download MailSaver now for only $4.99 USD from:
– FastSpring.
– Digital River.

Now delivering MailSaver and MailSaver-Auto 1.5.
System requirements: Apple Mac OS 10.9 or later, including High Sierra (10.13); and, Apple
Localized for English, Dutch, German, Spanish, French and Russian.

Apple, Inc., Mac OS 10, Apple Mail and AppleScript are trademarks or copyrights of Apple Computer, Inc. Lewis Lorenz is a member of the Apple Developer Program. Lorenz Companies and are not affiliated with Apple Computer, Inc. This product makes no warranty of any kind. Use of this product is at the user’s own risk.



MailSaver — 1 Comment

  1. I just purchased this and it works exactly as advertised. The customization options are terrific and easy to implement. For $5, this is a no brainer if you are looking to save emails in batches

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